Summer Schedule & Hours:
May 23rd - June 26th
Friday - Sunday 11am-5pm
Memorial Day 11am-3pm
June 27th - September 1st
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 11am-5pm
Thursday & Friday 11am-9pm
Saturday 10am-9pm
Sunday 10am-5pm
**July 3rd 11am-5pm, July 4th 11am-3pm
September 2nd - October 12th
Friday 11am-5pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 11am-5pm
Johnson Estate's Founder, Frederick Johnson, was a Navy pilot during World War II.
He shared his love of flying with his son, Fred Jr., who flies small planes in his free time.
This venue recognizes this Johnson family history with airplanes, but also refers to
the "flights of wine" being served to guests adjacent
to the Chancellor vineyards, Frederick's favorite grapes.
View the Tasting Menu