Preheat oven to 375ºF.
Sauté the onions in a large black skillet with a little of the olive oil and when translucent and set them aside. Add more oil and turn the heat up slightly and add the sliced potatoes. Brown them a little by stirring and flipping. Then cover, adding water if necessary to prevent sticking, and let them cook until tender. Then add dried herbs and sauté gently.
In a medium-sized bowl, put all of the eggs and beat with a hand-whip. Add half of the cheese and salt and pepper. Add chopped greens and then the slightly cooled onions and vegetables. Stir well.
Add a tablespoon of butter or olive oil to skillet if necessary. Over medium heat, pour eggs and vegetables into the hot skillet. Sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan cheese. After cooking a few minutes, put into a hot oven to complete the cooking, until slightly puffy. Use the broiler judiciously to brown the top if you like. Let cool/rest about five minutes before cutting. Good served warm or at room temperature and may be used as little squares or diamond hors d’oeuvres.
Alternative cooking method: Pour into hot skillet, lifting the cooked edges of the egg to permit the uncooked eggs to flow underneath. Cook about 8 minutes and then place a similar-sized pan on top and “flip” the frittata to cook on the bottom. With this system, add Parmesan after fliping and bake in oven one minute to melt the cheese.
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